Firearms & Knives
OK now, these are carefully labeled as
my opinions. What does that mean?
It means I fully believe in what I write, but I am sure that there are
others that do not agree, perhaps think the opposite.
I am in no way critical of anyone who doesn't
agree. I write that I don't like brand X, you like it, it does what
you want it to -- then you have made the correct decision for you, following
my advice would be wrong. If you have never bought one, then perhaps
my opinion on brand X will be helpful? But nothing is right or wrong,
no hard feelings, please?
Parts and Tools
There are all sorts of dealers out there,
but there is really only one Gunsmith supplier that eclipses all the others
-- Brownell's.
And there is one used parts vendor that
has almost anything -- Gun Parts
There Are No Bad Gun
Designs -- Only Bad Users!
Glock Pistols
Chris's cautions on buying a Glock pistol
-- is it a safe pistol?
Revolvers vs. Automatics
Want to start a fiery argument? Just
ask long-time gun owners which is better. If you already have a strong
opinion, perhaps not worth reading this. If you are still trying
to decide what is right for you, read on.
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Firearms Page
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